Saturday, August 13, 2005

what's wrong with me...

I'm terribly confused with my own life, sometimes i feel that what i'm doing is right, sometimes everything feels so wrong, wondered what actually happened, why is my life like this? Well, to be specific.. its my love life... why can't i have a simple and blissful love life? Why do I have to go through all these? Sigh... Used to have a jian jian dan dan de ai... but ever since that break up, things get more and more complicated and sad. Since now that i have him back, why can't i be as happy as before? Why do i not feel the urge to be with him? Am i taking him for granted... or do i really don't feel as much as before? arghhh!!

"i don't blame u if u decide that im a bad girl. be happy, that's all i ask of you"

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