Sunday, January 20, 2008

IFG is not for mi.. :(

i'm so confused.. Wondering whether to continue for Masters or not. Sigh. This is so confusing and irritating. I'm scared tt im just wasting my time, might as well go work. Even if I decide to go for Masters, there are two major tests that i need to pass first also - GRE test and scholarship application and interview. I wouldnt want to spend any more money studying, I want to get a confirmed job, get some experience already, then it wld be easier for me to look for work next time... SiGh.

Chinese New yr is approaching and i havent bought my clothes too. So busy with so many things nowadays... Took up one more tuition student and now i've 5 students alr. SDP on the way to mid term presentation, FYP still left 1 month to complete the main research, stupid bowling competition next Sat. Urgh... im so busy and stressed out.

It's all daryl's fault la.. he went to join the IFG bowling then the captain was desperate for a female player as they lack one girl. Until the last day of submission of names, he still couldnt find so i volunteered lo. else i think the whole team cannot play ba. And i get myself into this mess.. it sux.. I went to get another new ball just for this competition cos my old ball is plastic one then daryl also say it cmi liao. But when i went there to buy a new ball, the proshop man told me that it would be no difference if i drill conventional way of holding the ball. So in the end he sorta made me drill the hole for ppl who play hook. Damn.. didnt know that it would be so hard to learn a new way of holding ball. I had a super hard time getting used to the ball and it really stressed me out to the max after buying it. Thought that I could play much better with my old ball. Now im still forcing myself to use the new ball loh, there are improvements la, im finally getting used to it alr, but i think not good enough cos i still cannot bowl like i used to. Really worried about malu-ing myself on Sat. OMG... :( *sobs*

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